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Bad skin – malnourished or malnutrition ?

Bad skin – malnourished or malnutrition ?
By Blackmores Advisory Team 7 years ago 3389 Views No comments

Bad skin – malnourished or malnutrition ?

What kind of diet gives you that radiant, young-looking skin?

Anti-aging food can be one of the two categories, antioxidants or oil.

The most important component in these foods is vitamin C, precursor of collagen which acts as glue holding the whole body together such as muscles and blood vessels. Collagen lines along the dermis and makes the skin elastic.

Other antioxidants for the skin (used in combination with vitamin C to strengthen the skin and prevent premature aging) are grape seed and blueberry. These 2 potent natural antioxidants can protect you from free-radicals attack.

Bad skin – malnourished or malnutrition ?

Collagen and other substances give the skin and blood vessels a structure. Together they form a scaffold that strengthens the connections between tissues. Collagen also protects cells from free-radical that may be produced by many exposures such as smoking, pollution, UV rays and food chemical contaminants.

Free-radical bombardment damages normal cells resulting in aging of the skin. The areas of the body that age fastest are the face and the back of your hands due to their full exposure to sunlight. Fortunately, you can protect these sensitive cells and tissue with antioxidants.

Bad skin – malnourished or malnutrition ?

Omega-3 fatty acid can be found in fish oil, flax seed oil, walnuts, and fish such as salmon or tuna. Omega-6 fatty acid found in evening primrose oil is also very beneficial for the skin. This fatty acid can also be found abundantly in high quality olive oil, cold pressed vegetable oil, avocado, nuts, grains or evening primrose oil capsules.

Balance the levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid in your body to ensure radiant, supple and soft skin.