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Healthy eating for kids in 3 easy steps

Healthy eating for kids in 3 easy steps
By Blackmores Advisory Team 6 years ago 1968 Views No comments

Healthy eating for kids in 3 easy steps

More good food, less of the sweet stuff – help your child to feel great and thrive.We all want our kids to be as healthy and happy as possible. And while sometimes it can all seem too hard, it doesn’t need to be. This healthy eating for kids action plan will help get you and your children on that journey quickly and easily.

We’ve got tips and tricks for parents, and great ideas that will help your little ones see how much fun it is to eat well.

Healthy eating for kids in 3 easy steps

Sign up to this action plan to teach your child the 1, 2, 3 steps to healthy eating.

1. Fill those tummies with fruit & veg

The more healthy food you can get into your child, the less room there is for other options.

We share some ideas for getting more fruit and veggies into your little one’s diet.
This week is all about starting to make changes – just a little at a time.

2. Reduce sugar for a balanced diet

Reducing sugar doesn’t need to be extreme, and it doesn’t mean your child will miss out.

What it does mean is that you’re resetting your family’s diet to enjoy sweet treats occasionally. And you’ll be swapping the sweets out for such yummy things that they’ll barely even notice.
Let the games begin.

Healthy eating for kids in 3 easy steps

3. Healthy habits that stick like glue

It’s time to look at how to make healthy changes last well past this action plan.

This week we’re chatting about how to keep the fun going so that your little one is begging for more veggies. (Okay, maybe not… but they’ll be enjoying life without the sugar anyway.)
We share how to make these changes stick like glue.