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How to become a morning person ?

How to become a morning person ?
By Blackmores Advisory Team 6 years ago 2931 Views No comments

How to become a morning person ?

5 ways to go from being a night owl to an early bird.

Do you love the idea of being a morning person? Watching the sunrise, early morning exercise, quiet time to yourself while the rest of the household sleeps… It sounds amazing! Sound appealing? Even if you think that ‘it’s just not me’, here are a few fail-safe tips to get you up and out of bed to enjoy the beginning of a new day.

Get enough sleep
This may sound like a no-brainer – but it’s going to be hard to be an early riser if you’re not getting enough sleep. The amount of sleep you need will vary from the next person, and depends on your age, activity level and general health – but an average adult needs about eight hours of sleep per night.

Back in the dark ages (well - times before electricity was invented) people would rise and rest with the sun. Back then an average night’s sleep would have been around ten hours – today the average adult only sleeps for only six to seven hours each night – leaving many of us with chronic sleep deprivation.

How to become a morning person ?

Get good quality sleep
Make sure that the sleep you’re getting is good quality sleep.
You’re likely to have better sleep if you have a good sleeping environment. Do this by making sure your bed, mattress and pillow are comfortable. Keep your bedroom at the right temperature, and ensure that it is dark and quiet - that means no TV’s, laptops, tablets or phones in the bedroom.

Plan ahead
Having something to get up for is a great early morning motivator.
Book yourself into an early morning boot-camp or yoga course – having paid for a class that happens at the same time a couple of mornings a week will get you into the habit of waking up early. Another good motivator is a having someone rely on you – book in an early morning walk, or coffee with a friend – you’re more likely to get up if you’ve got someone waiting for you.

How to become a morning person ?

How to get more energy
Catch some early morning sun
Exposure to sunlight early in the morning may help to reset your body clock.
Your body’s internal clock is synchronised to night and day by exposure to sunlight, and the effects it has on brain chemicals or neurotransmitters, especially melatonin. As daylight starts to fade, and night’s darkness sets in your body secretes melatonin, which signals your body to fall, and stay asleep. Exposure to daylight suppresses melatonin production, and stimulates the body to produce other neurotransmitters (like noradrenaline and acetylcholine) to keep you awake.

Reset your internal clock
For the night-owls out there - one way to become a morning person is to try resetting your internal clock. If you’re late to bed, and late to rise try slowly shifting your bedtime, so that you’re getting to bed earlier, and rising earlier. Start with small changes - try getting yourself off to bed at night, and out of bed in the morning 15 minutes earlier than usual. Build these changes in slowly, and before you know it you’ll be bouncing out of bed before the sparrows.